Location: Rail Freight Line Between Berala and Chullora, Sydney.
As part of an upgrade program to increase power supply to the rail network in the Sydney suburban and intercity rail network, TfNSW was seeking to improve its power supply infrastructure. As a part of this program, the Novorail feeder upgrade was required along the freight rail line between Berala and Chullora.

Over 30 existing power supply poles had to be replaced with larger 23-metre-long timber poles. Initially, the client was purchasing standard 20kg concrete bags, mixing on site and hand pouring into the hole at the base of the pole. A crane was required to hold each pole in place for multiple hours till the concrete would set to support the pole. This method was a slow and expensive process due to the time and cost of the crane service that was required.

In search for a more cost and time efficient solution, NA Group was appointed to utilise our mobile batching units to deliver high early strength fast setting concrete. The NA Group mobile batching units feature fully computerised mixer controls and deductive weigh batching for consistent, accurate, reliable production, and the supply of continuous concrete pouring on demand.

The convenience of on-site concrete batching and the nature of high early strength fast setting concrete increased the project efficiency as the crane could be released from holding the pole within twenty minutes after the concrete was laid.

The NA group team delivered the project successfully in a substantially shorter timeframe, while significantly reducing the project cost for the client.