NA Group offers a comprehensive range of spray sealing services through metropolitan Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong regions and rural NSW. These services are supplied to TfNSW, local government, the mining sector and other private industry clients. Our spray seal service team can also supplement our asphalt, concrete rehabilitations and traffic control capabilities to enable clients to take advantage of our ability to provide an integrated service for pavement treatment works.

Types of Spray Seal Services Include:
- Primer seals
- Coloured
- Single coat
- Double coat
- SAMI seals
Turning Old Tyres into New Roads
With our continual drive to improve our carbon footprint, we decided to repurpose one of the world’s wastes that occupies large volumes of landfill space – car tyres. Traditionally, car tyres have been disposed of in several ways including in landfill or by burning them off. A single tyre takes approximately 50-80 years to decompose which causes a major space problem in landfill. By burning tyres, hazardous air pollutants are created, which can be dangerous and detrimental to the environment. NA Group utilises Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB) which is a bitumen that combines crumbed recycled tyres within the heated bitumen that is sprayed on the road prior to the aggregate application. This provides the potential of repurposing and recycling hundreds of tyres in each spray seal application, saving tyres from going into landfill. This increases the environmental sustainability of our completed projects and reduces our carbon footprint as a business.
Spray sealed road surfaces mixed with crumbed used tyres are also more elastic, durable and crack-resistant, which increases the longevity of the road. By recycling old tyres in our spray seal service, we contribute towards one of our core business values, to strive for environmental sustainability. This is a great example of how we can deliver essential projects and maintenance using green and sustainable methods.
Ask us about a spray seal service on your next project by calling 1300 627 623.