NA Group is a leading contractor of concrete production, slab replacements, road furniture, kerb and gutter installations/repairs. Utilising fast setting concrete, we minimise road closures by being set in up to three hours. Offering high early flexural, compressive strength and a 100-year design life. Our innovative mobile batching units allow us to batch fast setting concrete on demand, Utilising computer-controlled weigh batching technology for consistency and quality assurance. Our services also extend to road furniture installation and replacement. A combination of strategic planning, revolutionary technology and an experienced team enables us to deliver quality projects within time critical deadlines.

We combine state of the art plant and equipment combined with our highly skilled, multi-disciplined teams to deliver safe work at all times in an ever demanding workplace.
Type of concrete services include:
- High early strength concrete and lean mix pavement replacement system.
- Concrete pavement repair.
- Kerb and gutter repair and replacement.
- Installation of drainage systems.
- Road restorations.
- Minor civil road upgrades.
- RMS Prequalification R2 and F5.