Location: Ennis Road on ramp, Sydney.
As part of the road maintenance on Ennis Road, Milsons Point, the road pavement on the northern approach that spans to the Sydney Harbour Bridge (Piers 8 to 16) on the Ennis Road viaduct deck required refurbishment. NA Group was appointed to complete this refurbishment work.

Project Challenges
- Unknown pavement depth.
- The prominent location required a time critical plan to reduce road closure time.
- Only limited and restricted road closure was available due to events within close proximity.
- Road had to be open by 4.30am.
- Potential for environmental issues, as working over water.
Resolving the Challenges
- The pre-milling of the asphalt pavement (by VBA JV) exposed the concrete pavement to identify joint locations.
- We performed drill core holes and carried out a utility service location to determine the pavement profile (the type and the depth of the pavement).
- A test pour of concrete mix was performed on the road surface, prior to use on SHB.
- Specialised high early strength concrete mix was utilised to reduce curing time and meet the time critical deadline.
- Water blasting of sides & base of slab, clean-up of excess water with the sweeper snorkel and cleaning of any debris at the end of each shift eliminated the risk of any environmental issues.
- Application of primer and installation of water stop (where required).
- Slump testing of each load of concrete to ensure the quality consistency of the mix design.
- Facilities on site to pump out any excess concrete from the delivery trucks to prevent loss of barrel due to the fast-setting concrete mix.
- Backup equipment was onsite for the contingency strategy to ensure the deadline for road opening was met.

Key Outcomes
A smooth, safe pavement was achieved. The road was open to traffic without delay at the end of each shift. The project was safely completed with zero incidents or accidents.