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Reconciliation Action Plan

NA Group is proud to announce that Reconciliation Australia have officially endorsed our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan. Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a strategic document with practical plans for action that sets out how we have committed to contribute to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our vision for reconciliation encompasses a business that is culturally safe and welcomes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We will strive to encourage and implement change that actively contributes towards unity and reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians.

We envision a work culture that fosters integrity with staff that are passionate about equity, historical acceptance, and the removal of negative race relations organisationally and throughout our communities.

The strategies outlined in our RAP will create an opportunity for our staff to contribute to drive the culture of NA Group towards heightened equality and equity, historical acceptance, and removal of negative race relations.

Our vision also includes actively supporting integrity and reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians not just within our business but also within our community.

We know that even after we have achieved all our goals outlined in this RAP, there will still be more work to do. We are proud to be working towards understanding and improving the lives of the Traditional Owners of the land.

View the endorsed NA Group Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) March 2024 – February 2026

View the endorsed NA Group Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) March 2022 – February 2024

National Reconciliation Week 2024

Act Now, More Than Ever.

The 2024 National Reconciliation Week theme is, “Now More Than Ever.” This is a reminder that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue. We are called to stop racism, promote truth-telling, and educate ourselves about our nation’s history. Reconciliation Week is a time for reflection and action, to learn about our First Nations history, and to find ways to contribute to reconciliation in Australia.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan represents our commitment to learning, growth, and meaningful action. At NA Group, we focus on creating a workplace culture prioritising diversity and equity. We are determined to make positive changes that reflect our dedication to reconciliation and community engagement.

Aunty Lyn Martin visited us for National Reconciliation Week. Her knowledge and sharing of significant history, alongside reflections on the 2024 theme and its relation to the Voice referendum is a powerful reminder of the ongoing journey towards reconciliation. We are grateful for her support as we work towards fulfilling our Reconciliation Action Plan.

As part of our Reconciliation Action Plan and ongoing journey, we asked Wayne Visser, a proud Wiradjuri man from Sydney, whose family comes from Peak Hill, to create an artwork representing the importance of reconciliation and our place in the reconciliation movement. Wayne’s painting, with its vibrant colours, represents the NA Group and tells a powerful story of community and belonging on Bidjigal land of the Dharug people. His beautiful artwork is proudly displayed in our office near the entrance, delivering an inspiring message to all who walk through our office.

We also enjoyed a wonderful lunch catered by Supply Nation registered caterer Plate Events. It was a meaningful day of learning and reflection for the NA Group, and we’re grateful to Aunty Lyn for sharing her knowledge of our local history.

To continue marking National Reconciliation Week, we organised a screening of the impactful film ‘Freeman’ at our office.

The film is about Cathy Freeman, an athlete, and her historic win in the 400m sprint at the Sydney 2000 Olympics. Cathy’s fast-paced climb to the top of the world is a personal achievement and a powerful symbol of the ongoing movement for reconciliation in Australia. Her remarkable story symbolises a much larger struggle for equality, inspiring a nation to strive for fairness and justice.

Our team discussed the effects of racism after the film, how it was a powerful reminder, and the purpose behind our Reconciliation Action Plan, highlighting the importance of our commitment as a business to drive positive change. By having these discussions, we continue our dedication to ensure that our business policies deliver anti-racism in all aspects and promote a culture of sophisticated and meaningful racial awareness.

NAIDOC Week 2024

National NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week celebrates the rich cultural history, achievements, and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. It’s a time to honour their resilience, connection to land, and diverse cultures. Through events, discussions, and activities, NAIDOC Week raises understanding, respect, and recognition of cultural heritage and ongoing struggles for equality.

The theme of NAIDOC Week 2024, “Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud” shows the significance of the fire serving as a symbol of connection and tradition, honouring the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture. It represents the deep bond to Country, community, and the diverse traditions that shape Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ identity.

The NA Group RAP Team attended a NAIDOC celebration day hosted by Canterbury Bankstown Council. We experienced a day filled with cultural activities, workshops, arts and crafts, and performances honouring the rich history, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Past Years: